Rorsarh kartice

Thank you for all the materials. I’m interested in whether there are Rorsarch cards and interpretation instructions included in the course?


  1. Dear Natasa,

    Thank you immensely for your positive feedback and the 5-star rating! We’re thrilled to hear that our materials have been beneficial to you.

    In response to your inquiry about the Rorschach cards and interpretation instructions, we want to let you know that we are actively working on incorporating these elements into our course. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and valuable learning experience, and your interest in this specific area is a great motivator for us to keep enhancing our offerings.

    Please stay tuned for updates, as we strive to make these resources available to enhance your learning journey with us.

    Should you have any more questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out at any time.

    Warm regards,

    The Scholistico Team